How to take care of the skin under your eyes after the age of 25? 7 key principles

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How to take care of the skin under your eyes after the age of 25? 7 key principles

The skin under the eyes is extremely delicate and requires appropriate care. The first wrinkles in this region may appear already at the age of 25. This can be caused by natural facial expressions, dehydration or intensive sunbathing without proper protection. How should the skin under the eyes be taken care of at a young age? Here are 7 proven ways

Why does the skin under the eyes age the fastest?

The skin under the eyes is the area of the face that ages the fastest. That’s because it is extremely delicate, just 0.5 millimetres thick. In addition, it is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the weather, such as the sun’s harsh rays, the cold and the chill wind. It is also worth mentioning that blood circulation is much slower under the eyes. Moreover, there is much less fatty tissue in the skin under the eyes. Around them run the circular muscles of the eyes, which are responsible for the formation of crow’s feet. This part of the face is prone to wrinkles, dark circles or puffiness.

What are the needs of skin after 25?

Skin after the age of 25 is firm, radiant and smooth. This is the point at which it begins to age. Each year there is a 1% loss of collagen in the skin, which translates into a loss of both tissue density and firmness. The situation is similar with hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for maintaining an optimal level of hydration, and elastin, which affects skin hydration. A huge impact on the condition of the skin after 25 years of age has both its care and lifestyle. Worsening of skin condition may be influenced by an improper diet, smoking or excessive exposure to sunlight.

Skin care principles for the under-eye area after 25 years of age

  • Make-up removal – should be done gently, without rubbing or stretching the skin. It is best to use a natural micellar lotion, milk or oil, which does not contain alcohol, SLS, SLES, preservatives or artificial coloring. Make-up removal should be done by putting a cotton pad soaked in the chosen product to the eye for a few seconds. Then gently move it towards the inner corner of the eye,
  • Eye skin massage – this is one of the proven ways to get rid of puffiness and maintain supple, firm skin. It is best to perform the massage while applying eye cream. Ice cubes can also be used for this purpose,
  • Eye cream after 25 years of age – the composition of such a cosmetic should include hyaluronic acid, ceramides and vitamins A, C and E. Skin care in this area can be supplemented with the use of natural oils and vegetable butters. For this purpose you can successfully use argan oil or cocoa butter,
  • Eye masks – products of this type are usually in the form of collagen or gel eye patches. They refresh the look, moisturize the skin and reduce dark circles under the eyes,
  • Hydrolats – these are excellent for under-eye skin care. For this purpose you can use, among others, the hydrolate of purple, which promotes microcirculation and soothes inflammation,
  • Protection from the harmful effects of the sun – the cosmetics bag of every woman over 25 should include a high-quality eye cream containing protective filters. In addition, sunglasses and a hat to cover the eyes should be provided.
  • Hydrate your body – this is a proven way to keep your skin in good condition, including the one under your eyes. This is because water helps hydrate the skin, prevents swelling and reduces the risk of dark circles under the eyes.
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