Mobile SEO: How to Optimize Your Site for Mobile Search

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Mobile SEO: How to Optimize Your Site for Mobile Search

With more than half of Google searches coming from mobile devices, it’s more important than ever to make sure your site can be easily and quickly found on mobile search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. While optimizing your site for mobile search might seem overwhelming at first, with the right approach and tips, you can ensure that people can quickly find your business’s website and see your page when they’re using their mobile device to search Google or other search engines. Here are some quick tips for optimizing your site for mobile search.

What is mobile SEO?

Mobile SEO is a type of optimization that goes beyond just the website. While desktop SEO concentrates mainly on keywords and keyword placement, mobile SEO also factors in user behaviour, screen size, and other aspects of mobile technology. The intent is to make your site more accessible on mobile devices and increase traffic as mobile search has surpassed desktop search as the most popular way of searching the web. With iCEA Group SEO agency by your side, you can be sure that you are meeting the needs of mobile users while achieving all the same goals you had with desktop search engine optimization.

Why does mobile matter?

With the increasing number of mobile searches and the number of phones, it’s more important than ever to ensure your site is optimized for mobile. While all websites should have a responsive design that looks good on every device, most sites are still not fully optimized for search engines, making them rank poorly or not in search results. This can be bad for business. You need your site and its content to appear when people search on their mobile devices.

Target the Right Devices

It’s critical to pay attention to the devices used and design your website with the right layout. If you’re not sure what size screen is common on which device, we recommend Google Analytics or Adobe Target. They can help you identify the platforms most commonly used by visitors to your site and optimize your content accordingly. Regarding eCommerce search engine optimization, pay special attention to targeting phrases specific to each platform, so they appear high in results on those search engines.

Avoid Flash

Use a mobile-friendly design. Avoid any Flash, as it can be an instant turn-off to some users and give your site a lower ranking on most search engines. Use simple text, not complicated code that might take up too much bandwidth. Break up your website into small chunks and make sure everything loads quickly. Create less scrolling for your viewers with large headers and short paragraphs. Keep the menu bar at the top or bottom of the screen. Make sure there is a clear-cut way to get back from one page to another in case you are redirected by clicking on something else in the navigation bar.

Choose a Phone Number Over an Email Address

Although you may want a mailing address on your website, try including a phone number instead. If a potential customer needs more information or to reach you, they can call rather than send an email that may be lost in spam filters. Having this phone number will make it easier for them to connect with you. Include this at the bottom of your site or just below the contact form. You don’t have to add a long explanation about how customers should use the number and why – but if you do, then place that above the phone number so people who are not as interested will scroll past and not even see it.

Main photo: Yura Fresh/

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