Hot deals

What are the best ways to find sustainable fashion deals?
What are the best ways to find sustainable fashion deals?

Explore smart strategies for finding sustainable fashion deals. Our guide reveals tips to score green clothing at affordable prices without sacrificing style or your planet.

Jackets for the transitional period – what models to hunt for at the sales?
Jackets for the transitional period – what models to hunt for at the sales?

The sale season is about to begin – what transitional jacket will you choose?

How can you tell if clothes and accessories from designers bought secondhand are genuine?
How can you tell if clothes and accessories from designers bought secondhand are genuine?

We know what to pay attention to in order not to be fooled!

How to look for gems in second-hand stores?
How to look for gems in second-hand stores?

Want to save money, take care of the environment and dress originally? It’s time to bushwhack through lumpx stores. How to find gems there? We give you a hint!

Two-in-one hair products – are they worth using?
Two-in-one hair products – are they worth using?

Are two-in-one hair cosmetics a good idea? Check it out!

How to get discount codes?
How to get discount codes?

Promotions, sales, Black Friday, Black Weekend – you can save a lot on them (spend as well). Discount codes are an additional possibility, so you should know where to look for them.