Depilation of the legs at home – better razors or wax?

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Depilation of the legs at home – better razors or wax?

Perfectly smooth, hairless legs are a dream of every woman. To achieve this effect, you do not have to spend a fortune on specialised cosmetic procedures. You can successfully get rid of hair at home.

How to prepare skin for depilation? How to care for it after the treatment?

To make epilation easier it is advisable to exfoliate the day before. This will make hair removal much easier, faster and more comfortable. It’s best to epilate your legs after a bath. Your skin is warmed up and hair follicles are expanded.

And how to take care of legs after epilation? It is not recommended to wash the skin with soap or shower gel. Instead, rinse with water, pat dry and apply a special post-depilation cream or lotion. What distinguishes this type of cosmetics is that their composition contains various substances with soothing, anti-inflammatory, soothing, moisturizing and lubricating properties. Additionally they contribute to delaying the process of hair regrowth.

Legs depilation with a razor

Legs can be epilated with the help of a razor, among other things. This method is fast and convenient, which makes it perfect for busy people. It’s also a good way to get rid of hair on the go. Before shaving, a special cream should be applied to the skin to soften the hair and provide optimal glide for the razor. This will prevent irritation during epilation. How to choose the perfect razor? Ideally, it should have a contoured handle, adapting to the natural curvature of the body. We also recommend models with special strips soaked in aloe vera extract, which provide proper protection for the skin. What are the main advantages of shaving legs with a mask? As already mentioned, this is an express method. You can get rid of the hair with its help in just a few moments. What’s more, this treatment is not painful in any way. Unfortunately, it has some disadvantages. These include a short-lived effect. The hair starts growing back after about 2 to 3 days. Moreover, they are prickly, sharp, hard and thick.

Wax leg hair removal

Another method of shaving legs at home is waxing. The best solution in this case are ready-made wax patches. Before applying them, wet and dry your skin by rubbing it with a towel. You can rub talcum powder on your legs to make it easier for the wax to adhere. The next step is to warm the patch in your hands. Then separate it and stick to the legs in the direction of hair growth. Smoothen, press and pull it off in one energetic movement in the direction opposite to the one in which the hair grows. You can use the patch several times. When you’re finished, remove the wax remnants by wiping with the supplied tissue soaked in oil. What are the benefits of shaving with wax? Since wax removes hair follicles, you can enjoy smooth skin for up to a month. Regular use of this method makes the hairs grow back weaker and thinner. As far as disadvantages are concerned, it is quite a painful method of epilation. Moreover, it does not work well for those who have varicose veins and vascular skin.

Leg hair removal with a razor

Special creams, gels and foams can also be used to get rid of leg hair. Such cosmetics are applied on clean, dried skin with the help of the spatula provided. Then wait about 5 minutes and check whether the hair can be easily removed. If so, you can remove the product under the hair by gently pressing the spatula to the skin and rinse them with lukewarm water. This is a completely painless way to get rid of hair. They start growing back after about 5 to 7 days. As for the disadvantages of this method, they include the likelihood of skin irritation.

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