Home remedies for skin discoloration – try them immediately!

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Home remedies for skin discoloration – try them immediately!

Lemon, potato, cucumber, aloe vera and soda – these products are at your fingertips in your home. With their help you can get rid of unsightly skin discolorations.

Summer is over but apart from your tan you still have one more, not necessarily nice souvenir – skin discoloration. Or maybe they are the remains after acne lesions or hormonal disorders? We will help you get rid of them – cheaply and effectively.

Lemon juice

Lemon has brightening properties and is invaluable in the fight against hyperpigmentation. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon, dilute it with water and rub the mixture over your skin twice a day. If you have discoloration on your knees or elbows, then you can simply rub these areas with half a lemon.

Raw potato

Potato works great not only for bags under the eyes, but also for discoloration. This is all thanks to the substances that have a brightening effect. Cut a raw potato into slices or grate it and apply it on your skin. Keep it for about 15-20 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

Cucumber slices

Cucumber is known for its brightening properties, but it is also moisturizing, nourishing and toning. A mask made of grated cucumber and lemon juice (you can optionally add natural yogurt) will be perfect for blemishes. Wash it off after 20 minutes.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera not only moisturizes the skin but also brightens it. Systematically rub aloe vera gel into your skin and you will see that blemishes will become less and less visible. You can also prepare a mask from aloe vera, honey and fresh cucumber and apply it every day in a few minutes.

Baking soda

Baking soda gradually lightens the skin. Mix a tablespoon of powder with a little water, rub it on the spots, leave it for 5-10 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with warm water.

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