Bleaching hair – can you do it yourself?

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Bleaching hair – can you do it yourself?

Bleaching hair is a procedure that allows even gray-haired women to enjoy bright, golden locks. However, it is important to keep in mind that the lightening treatment is not without its effects on the condition of the hair. After all, to achieve the desired effect, we strip the hair structure of its natural pigment. So, is it possible to bleach your hair yourself?

When can you lighten your hair yourself, and when is it better to go to a specialist?

Bleaching hair is one of the most invasive hairdressing procedures. However, this does not mean that you cannot do it yourself in the comfort of your own bathroom. Especially if all you need to do is lighten your hair a few tones from dark to light blonde. However, more drastic lightening of hair is better left to specialists who will precisely determine the condition of the hair, divide the treatment into several stages and choose the right products, which will not damage hair, turning beautiful shiny hair into tangled, tousled locks.

Home Remedies for Lightening Hair

Now that we know that hair bleaching can be done at home, of course, if it does not involve a drastic change in color, it is worth knowing the home remedies that will allow us to get a new, lighter color.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice has bleaching properties. It is ideal for washing your hands after peeling beets and washing all kinds of dirt from various surfaces. However, not many people know that it also works well as a natural hair brightener. Juice squeezed from one lemon is simply diluted with water in the ratio of 1:3, rubbed into dry hair and left for several hours. After just a few treatments you can enjoy beautiful, naturally lighter hair.

Wine Vinegar
Wine vinegar is also ideal for home hair bleaching. In this case, freshly washed hair simply rinse with a mixture of two cups of boiled water with two tablespoons of wine vinegar. Wait 15 minutes and then rinse your hair with clean water. This treatment will give you beautiful highlights.

Lightening your hair with chamomile infusion will work especially well for natural blondes. Pour one liter of boiling water over four bags of dried chamomile and let it cool down. Rinse the hair with the infusion and leave it in a towel for 20 minutes and then rinse again with clean water. This treatment will not only lighten the hair but also strengthen it thanks to the natural properties of chamomile.

Lightening hair with chemical products
Not long ago, hydrogen peroxide was used to lighten hair chemically both at home and in hair salons. Unfortunately, this method negatively affects the structure of our hair. Nowadays, the chemical lightening method is based on specialized preparations, which also interfere with the structure of hair. However, when used in the right way and in the right proportions, they do not dry hair and do not contribute to its excessive brittleness. Bleaching dyes and creams are based on hydrogen peroxide, which in products for home use cannot exceed a concentration of 6%, making it virtually impossible to effectively and safely lighten hair by more than a few tones. Therefore, when we dream of a radical change of color, it is best to go to a proven hair salon.
Bleaching hair at home is possible provided that the effect we want is only a change of a few tones. Otherwise, it is best to go to a hair salon, because attempts to go from dark brown to platinum blonde in the privacy of your own bathroom can end up with irreversible damage to the hair structure and even irritation and burns of the scalp.

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